Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Zoom Toolbar

The Zoom toolbar provides access to the zooming and panning tools.

The Zoom toolbar contains the following:

To Use
Set the view so that the entire model is visible in the drawing pane. Zoom Extents
Activate the manual zoom tool, where you can specify a portion of the drawing to enlarge. Zoom Window
Magnify the current view in the drawing pane. Zoom In
Reduce the current view in the drawing pane. Zoom Out
Enable the realtime zoom tool, which allows you to zoom in and out by moving the mouse while the left mouse button is depressed. Zoom Realtime
Open up the Zoom Center dialog box where you can set X and Y coordinates and the percentage of Zoom. Zoom Center
Enable you to zoom to specific elements in the drawing. You must select the elements to zoom to before you select the tool. Zoom Selection
Return the zoom level to the most recent previous setting. Zoom Previous
Reset the zoom level to the setting that was active before a Zoom Previous command was executed. This button also does not appear in the Zoom toolbar by default. Zoom Next
Activate the Pan tool, which allows you to move the model within the drawing pane. When you select this command, the cursor changes to a hand, indicating that you can click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to move the drawing. Pan
Update the main window view according to the latest information contained in the WaterGEMS CONNECT datastore. Refresh Drawing